Removable Restorations

Removable Restorations

Facial parts are the most prominent feature which must be properly taken care of. Among all the facial parts, teeth are one of the most noticeable factors. A beautiful smile affects your first impression. And proper care must be taken care of the teeth but if proper oral hygiene is not maintained your teeth might go through a lot of teeth-related diseases. Some of the most frequent teeth-related problems are toothache, stained teeth, cavities, gum aching, chipped tooth, cracked tooth, sensitive tooth and gums, hyperdontia, and many more.

There are various types of solutions for teeth-related problems, whether it’s cavities, gum disease, cracked or broken teeth, sensitive teeth, oral cancer, and others. There are two types of solution which include removable restoration and non-removable restoration(Fixed implant-supported restoration). Simply restoration is a basic way to replace or restore missing teeth, even missing parts of your tooth structure, and also tooth structures that need to be removed to prevent decay that may cause you pain in the future, and preferring a professional dentist must be done. 

Removable restorations are popularly known as overdentures because they go over the implants and hold them tightly. They are as same as fixed implant-supported restoration due to the fact that with removable restorations, a series of 4-6 dental implants hold them in place. Typically, a bar or other specialized device is attached to these implants. The overdentures snap directly onto these implants. In spite of the fact that this type of denture is removable, overdentures are not like traditional dentures, which fit tightly on the gums and are held in place by friction and dental adhesive. Overdentures are more stable and durable compared to traditional dentures because they are attached tightly to your dentures. However, they are not as durable or strong as fixed implant-supported restorations.

Some of the most preferred and used removable restorations are:-

  • Denture Complete
  • Lucitone 199 denture
  • Flipper
  • Flexible Partial
  • Flex + Cast Combo Partial
  • Flex + Cast Vitallium 2000 Partial
  • Cast Premium Partial
  • Vitallium 2000 Partial
  • CLEAR Complete Partial
  • Valplast Partial 

Advantages of removable restoration

Some of the advantages of removable restoration are:-

  • They restore function and aesthetics where needed
  • They are comfortable to wear.
  • They have good chewing functions.
  • They give a good full smile in a less invasive dental procedure.
  • They are less expensive.
  • They make it easier to chew, bite, and speak.
  • It is easy to clean and adapt to.
  • They fill gaps between teeth to prevent natural teeth from shifting.

Disadvantages of removable restoration

Some of the disadvantages of removable restoration are:-

  • It has a higher tendency to accumulate plaque.
  • It may cause oral inflammation.
  • It is large in size and takes up a lot of normal tissue.

Either way, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. In cases when there are too many missing teeth in a span, or if the jawbone or neighboring teeth are too weak to support a fixed bridge or dental implant, a removable dental bridge is a good choice. Overdentures are therefore an excellent option for patients who have struggled with issues like periodontal disease in the past or even who are a bit not sure about going through surgery and are concerned with maintaining perfect oral hygiene. Do contact Cusdela Custom Dental Laboratory and we assure you to answer all your queries and the best dental service around the US.

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